Tuesday 10 May 2011

Hello to all you makeup lovers!

Hey everyone!

Browneyedgirlxox21 here ... Yes, I do realize that's a mouthful! But what can I say? I couldn't think of anything better and I didn't want to wait another day to get this up!

I'm your average teenage girl with a passion for makeup! I know, you've seen tons of girls with the same passion :P But for me it's honestly NOT an obsession. Although I consider myself a beginner handling cosmetics, I've learnt that the internet and sites like youtube and blogs of course can be a big help to all of us :)

And so I decided to get this blog started. It's just a great place where I can post stuff that I learnt from other bloggers/youtubers and even stuff that I discover on my own (which lately, there have been a few things!) I would just really like to share all my thoughts and if I can, help you guys out in any way that I can!

The reason behind this blog: I really enjoy reading/watching others talk about makeup and I wanted to do the same. Only for me, a youtube channel was out of the question. You see, I live amongst a certain type of society where videos of me doing makeup would mean social suicide. I've had enough drama in the past, we all have. So I decided a blog would be the best idea!

I'll start off by just adding a few posts about some interesting makeup tips and ideas and if you guys have ANY queries, questions or ideas for blogs that I can do you can send me an email @browneyedgirlxox21@hotmail.com and I will try my very best to get back to you as soon as possible!

Do remember that this blog is not limited to just makeup. I'll also enjoy talking to your girls/guys about anything you like! Remember I'm a teenager too so as the phrase goes - "Been there, done that" and also "Been through that" so if you feel like you want to talk to me about something. ANYTHING. Please don't hesitate to email me :)

Except if you're going to ask for my identity :P Hate to make this a cliche but that's something I'll probably never reveal. Unfortunately *sigh*


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