Monday 16 May 2011

Some upcoming stuff! xx

Ok so first of all I'd just like to thank the few of you viewing my blog! I know I'm new to do and there are much better/more experienced people out there. So thank you guys :)

So I'd just like to make this quick because it's 3:43am and I just can't seem to get to bed :P

HOPEFULLY I should receive my Coastal Scents 88 shimmer palette by tomorrow ... Or today :\ But later on in the day :P I'm super excited and cannot wait to get it! So, if any of you have any requests for any eye looks in particular then do let me know! Also, if you happen to have a picture of a particular look that you would like me to recreate you can email that to me or post the link as a comment to this post and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!

So even though I'm the one that supposed to be helping you guys out I was hoping to get some help with something that I just CANNOT seem to find! There's one thing that I've really been searching for, for a LONG time! And that is a decent liquid liner. I cannot seem to find a good, dark black liquid liner ANYWHERE! So if any of you have any suggestions do let me know :)

Also, I'm working on a review for the Jergens Natural Glow HEALTHY COMPLEXION Daily Facial Moisturizer. I know this product has been around for quiet a while now but as a new user I'd like to let you guys know what I think of it. So that should be up soon!

Just wanted to let you guys know that 90% of the products I use are drug store products. I've never really purchased anything from the MAC Cosmetics store - though I really want to try some things out! Anyway just an FYI here ... I will generally use drug store products but I do occasionally like to spend a bit extra on important items or things that I really do need. But I will try to keep most of the spending at a minimum :)

Well I better get to bed now ... It's getting pretty late and I gotta get up early tomorrow :\
Thanks again viewers! It's really encouraging to know that SOMEONE out there is reading my posts :)


PS If you like the eye look that I've done in the picture that I have up in my blog let me know! I'd be happy to blog a tutorial


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